My Life My Rule - My Last Destination is to Win Heart of the World

Never quit in your matter what so ever happens in your life.your life is not quit but your life is to live.

Your life is to achieve great success - never make your life worthless. make your purposeful.

Always face your failure with a brave heart and soul. take your failure as your new opportunity.make your failure as the ladder of your grand success.
My Life My Rule - My Last Destination is to Win Heart of the World
Image Credit - Salman Munir

Your failure is your great teacher. your self-confidence is the best outfit and armor of life.
 take your first step lonely. many people failed in their lives because they are merely wishing rather than doing.

wishing is the sign of impractical men and Doing is the sign of practical men.
your success is not relying on your wishing but your success is always relying on your doing.

Stop wishing and start doing.

  • Don't scare off change. life is all about change. change is the universal law.
  • This is the truth of life. if you want to prepare yourself for your success.
  • Then you to become very strong, creative, hard worker. if you fill your mind with positive things.
  • Nothing is impossible for you everything is in your mind without sacrifice you can't get what you want in your life.

your future is yet to born it is in the womb of your present moment.

Don't worry about it a failure is important in your life. without relishing the better taste of your failure. you" ll never get the sweet taste of your success. failure makes you strong and solid so don't scare off your failure.

  1. If you want to improve yourself. never wait to improve your self-tomorrow.
  2. life is all about the struggle so you never live without struggle.
  3. life begins with a struggle. the struggle is the most important part of life.
  4. if you struggle to get something today tomorrow or in your near future.
  5. you" ll receive your grand rewards so don't scare to struggle.
your past moment is already dead so forget about it.your present moment is just born so concentrate on it.
